Liquality @ ETHDenver 2023

We are excited to share our experience at ETHDenver 2023, the community-owned innovation festival that hosts the largest web3 #BUIDLathon in the world for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers, developers and investors.

Every year, ETHDenver brings together thousands of participants from around the globe to collaborate, create and celebrate the decentralized future. It has also been the event for launching some of the most innovative and impactful projects in the web3 space in the past.

We believe that participation and community contribution are essential for the growth and development of web3. ETHDenver’s success lies in building community and nurturing the development  of web3, by providing a space for founders, funders and builders to connect, discuss and start collaborations.

We were excited and grateful to be invited to show the Liquality SDK in the setting of the ‘Impact & Public Good’ area of ETHDenver’s 2023 conference venue. We arrived for the BUIDLathon, a hackathon that started before the conference and ended on the last day of ETHDenver with exciting pitches of what had been created.

Liquality ran educational sessions on how web3 can only be realized if we are building technology towards decentralization, to give individuals control over their data and assets and provide access to participation in the digital economy. One of Liquality’s engineers, Johanna Fransson, also gave a talk on wallet infrastructure alternatives linked here.

Making Web3 fast to integrate and easy to use, while maintaining its values of decentralization, is at the core of the Liquality SDK, enabling self-custody, access and security. At ETHDenver we offered multiple hackathon bounties for projects that used or expanded the Liquality Web3 SDK. We were amazed by the creativity and quality of the submissions, which covered a broad range, including a portfolio tracker, NFT tools managing metadata, a Proof-of-Completion protocol tutorial game and NFTs in the context of augmented reality.

We had a blast engaging with the vibrant and diverse community of Web3 enthusiasts, learning from each other and showcasing the Liquality web3 SDK through the projects of our hackathon participants. ETHDenver 2023 was an unforgettable experience for us and we are grateful for having been part of it. Events like these are vital for the web3 community in order to foster innovation, collaboration and diversity.

Our #BUIDLing journey did not end there. In order to include the Liquality community members who were not in Denver we ran a virtual hackathon two weeks later. Amongst the participants we had three teams who had built with us at ETHDenver, and we were grateful for Spheron and Shardeum joining us as sponsors. The virtual hackathon continued the momentum of ETHDenver 2023 and deepened the connection with communities of developers.

If you missed any of our activities at ETHDenver, do make sure you check all updates on both Hackathons on our website at Join our Discord community here.

If you want to get in touch with us to discuss how your project can use the Liquality web3 SDK, please reach out to us here.